Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving recap, photo 325-329

On the drive to Dallas we played I-spy, Dom found a rubber duck!

Make-shift Ipad holder.

Colorful tree outside of my mother-in-law's house!
One of my favorite things!
Little man was sick with croup and kept me up the night before Thanksgiving.  He would sit up every 20 minutes coughing so I would soothe him and make him lay upright.  He was miserable but had such a great attitude!  Shows me how I take for granted and how I shouldn't let things bog me down so much. 

Pictures for grandma.

Daughter, Mom, Sister, and Me
Tickle time

Mini Bobby!
Went Black Friday shopping with my Mom at 7am.  I got some GREAT deals on kids chothers.

Got locked out one night so we had dinner at Chipotle.

Gosh, they are growing up so much..
We got a date night and went to the movie theatre we went to while dating!

Tired of being in the car!

Great face

Traffic was really bad driving home so Bobby decided to take some back roads..
As a result of the off roading adventure, our Green car was grey and so were the tires.

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